Supporting each other through the current challenging times is not easy and some may find it quite daunting.
Principal Dentists and their team are worried about their personal health and well-being, as well as that of their families and patients. Owner Dentists have the added concerns of the business.
So how do we support ourselves and each other? There are a number of ways that may help, here are just a few:
- Communicate and check-in – don’t lose contact with staff, colleagues, friends, and family – stay in touch with regular calls, texts, face to face calls/zoom.
- Arrange social occasions for staff to connect via zoom or similar. A social catch up of even 15-30 minutes once a week can lift the mood within the team.
- Take this opportunity where we are limited with our movements and for many, little to no work to complete, to learn something new – educate ourselves, spend time on a hobby (or even find a new hobby).
- As a business – you can organise for employees to complete online courses to develop skills for the workplace, you may also have tasks within the practice that some staff are able to complete – catch up on administration, marketing, etc.
- Encourage exercise or some form of physical activity for yourself and the team.
- Have a routine for each day, this is particularly important if staying at home.
- Watch what you eat – eat as healthily as you can, but don’t deprive yourself of a treat every now and again!
- Manage your exposure to both the general media and social media – Know the facts on the situation, not just the headlines.
- Provide access to mental health information (see links below) and encourage all to seek help early whether that is for mental health, financial support, or even something more practical like grocery shopping.
- Be kind to yourself and others. Be there for each other, even if it is virtually or over the phone.
The Australian Government is circulating #InThisTogether
RUOK advises:
There are many associations providing assistance and support for mental health, here are just a few.
Beyond Blue | Support for people experiencing depression and anxiety | 1300 22 4636 |
The MindSpot Clinic | Support for people experiencing stress, anxiety, low mood or depression | 1800 61 44 34 |
eheadspace | Mental health support for people under 25 | 1800 650 890 |
MensLine Australia | Mental health support for men | 1300 78 99 78 |
Qlife | Mental health support for LGBTI people | 1800 184 527 |
Lifeline | Crisis support and suicide prevention | 13 11 14 |
Suicide Call Back Service | Support for people feeling suicidal | 1300 659 467 |
SANE Australia | Support, training and education for people with a mental illness | 1800 18 7263 |
RUOK? | Suicide prevention, reminding people that having meaningful conversations with mates and loved ones could save lives. |