Virtual Visit: Infection Prevention and Control training for your team
The Virtual Visit is suitable for all members of the dental team. It is presented in an interactive way and in the privacy of your practice to encourage open discussion and questions specific to your work environment.
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Our Virtual Visit training comprises 2 x 2 hour sessions with your entire team via video link
The Virtual Visit is suitable for all members of the dental team
Infection Prevention requires a team managed approach for ultimate success. Virtual practice training can get the whole team on the same page with your policies and procedures ensuring compliance for the practice.
The Virtual Visit is suitable for all members of the dental team. It is presented in an interactive way and in the privacy of your practice to encourage open discussion and questions specific to your work environment.
Learning Objectives
The first session will briefly cover documentation including Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions. The focus then shifts to understanding Methods of Transmission followed by the implementation of PPE. We then move to Hand Hygiene and finish off with Aerosol Management and Respiratory Hygiene.
Learning Objectives
- Compliance: the theory – an overview of documentation
- Standard Precautions
- Methods of Transmission – understanding the why
- Transmission-Based Precautions
- Personal Protective Equipment including gloves, masks, gowns and clinical attire
- Hand Hygiene including moments for Hand Hygiene, technique, bare below the elbows
- Aerosol Management – what’s the big (little) deal
- Cough Etiquette and Respiratory Hygiene
Session two starts with a virtual walk around of the sterilisation area in your practice to evaluate the reprocessing workflow and general knowledge of infection prevention and control. Once the walk around is completed, the session continues with focus moving to Surface Management, Instrument Management, cleaning protocols and sterilisation.
Learning Objectives
- Let’s take a look around
- Surface Management including detergency and disinfection
- Instrument Management for efficiency and safe handling
- Instrument Reprocessing for effective sterilisation outcomes
- Sterilisation including packaging and Batch Control Indication
- Testing, monitoring and recording of the sterilisation process
- Bringing it all together to be Confidently Compliant
Visit our Shop now and schedule the training with us.
You can also contact us to get more information.
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