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The Tired Dentist

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The tIred dENTIST


Understanding the difference between preventive and reactive communications.

The toughest case


Learn the mindset to use when meeting with a patient for the first time. Understand the concepts of POTO and DOTO and how they can help you think clearly when treatment planning.



How do you handle treatment diagnosis in an ethical way? Do you diagnose as if the condition was in your own mouth? Or do you judge patients based on what you think they can afford? Learn the importance of clear diagnosis criteria and how it affects the results you get in your exams.

Getting started with primespeak


Now that you’ve been to the Primespeak workshop, it’s time to start trying some of the skills with your patients. This first training video will give you 3 important Primespeak techniques to begin practicing with your patients. They will help you start getting comfortable with the new approach to communication.

Primespeak: no rejection system


This is a 13-minute overview of the whole Primespeak approach. Watch this video to get a quick understanding of the basic 3 Phase approach to the Primespeak New Patient Exam. Learn how Primespeak removes the rejection from the discussion by using a counter-intuitive approach. You will want to review this video several times over the first few months to ensure you understand the concepts.

Law of Motivation


What is more motivating? The pursuit of pleasure or the avoidance of pain? Learn why most patients don’t respond the sales enthusiasm or talking up the benefits of treatment. Align your communication with the law of motivation and watch your patients begin asking for treatment they need.



What’s the most important thing people care about? Themselves and their point of view. Use the Law of Self-Interest to your advantage when meeting and working with patients. Build trust and create interest in solutions through aligning yourself with this law of human behaviour.

Law of Control


Every person has a profound need to feel in control of their decisions. But in the dental chair, very often we make patients feel lectured, controlled and completely uncomfortable. Learn to use the law of control in a way that reduces the patient’s urge to resist treatment.

Law of Momentum


A person’s beliefs have a direction and a force behind them. If we go against the momentum of a patient’s belief, we risk causing them to resist or losing them. Use the law of momentum to your advantage, by learning the 4 key skills to getting the patient to shift their beliefs.

Law of Withdrawal


Human beings have a greater desire for things that are out of reach. If we push ideas and options onto patients, they won’t value them. If you with-hold solutions, you will find patients begin to ask you what can be done. Learn to align with the law of withdrawal to create an interest in the patient’s mind.

BTWs Planting seeds


A picture is worth a thousand words. And a visual metaphor in plain English is the key to helping patients understand what happens when dental conditions worsen. Using a casual, by-the-way style, Primespeak BTW’s are the best way to help patients start to understand what is happening in their mouth.

Click-downs part 1


How do you get the information that you need from the patient without them feeling interrogated, while building trust and relationship with them? By using a questioning technique called Click-Downs. This key skill is combined with another Primespeak questioning techniques later in the program.

Click-downs part 2


Part 2 focuses on how the dentist can use Click-Downs during the New Patient Exam.



How do you gather information without the other person feeling like they are being interrogated and controlled? By using a combination of questions and statements called questments.

I-zone e-zone


Learn how people are influenced by emotions more than logic. All decisions are first triggered in the emotional centers of the brain, and then rationalized by our thinking brain. Most dentists only use I-Zone communication, Using E-Zone communication talks directly to the emotional brain and helps patients own their conditions.

Restate and Exam Prep


Learn to set your patients up correctly so that they pay close attention during the examination. Show patients that you have listened to them closely and understand their concerns. Practicing these two communication techniques before starting your clinical exam will ensure the patients own the problems in their mouth.

Strategic messages: sifting & risk factors


How do you know if a patient is open to treatment, or likely to resist? How do you get them to listen to what you are talking about when explaining dental conditions? The Sifting and Risk Factors strategic messages will enhance your ability to get patients to open up and also to listen to you during the new patient exam.

Strategic messages: position statement & fee range


The Position Statement is one of the most effective tools in your Primespeak toolkit. Learn how to position yourself as on the side of the patient, so that they feel relaxed and open to treatment options.The Fee Range will reduce the shock patients feel when they hear the cost of the long-term options for treatment. Adding these two counter-intuitive communication tools to your exams will dramatically shift the results you attain.



The exam is when the patient begins to hear their conditions in a way they can understand and link to themselves. In Part 1, learn how to effectively influence your patients using E-zone language and the DREC to help them link the conditions to themselves.

Eavesdrop exam part 2


The exam is when the patient begins to hear their conditions in a way they can understand and link to themselves. In Part 2, use natural curiosity, a balanced message and charting in groups to help the patient better understand the conditions you are discovering.

Eavesdrop exam part 3


The exam is when the patient begins to hear their conditions in a way they can understand and link to themselves.  In Part 3, learn how to finesse your eavesdrop exam, field patient questions, and reduce the sense of having an agenda.



Gently having the patient review with you what you have discussed and ensuring that the patient fully understands the conditions or treatment options.

Consultation part 1 – Photo Click-down


Learn how to ask the patient questions that get the talking and understanding the problems in their mouth. Use factual embedments to give the patient more ownership of the condition in a non-confronting way.

consultation part 2 – discuss findings


Getting the patient to verbalize their own conditions is a key skill in Primespeak. Learn how to prompt the patient so they start talking and understand the DREC. Also know how to respond if they bring up past diagnosis from other dentists.

consultation part 3 – Weighted choices


Learn how to structure the options so that the patient naturally eliminates the sub-optimal options. Go through the sequence from TX1 through TX2 to TXD.

consultation part 4 – Scratch pad review


Learn this important skill for discussing options with patients, using the Scratch Pad to review cost and advantages and disadvantages. Remove the discomfort of discussing money with patients.

consultation part 5 – treatment planning


Now the patient has agreed to do the treatment, learn this important skill for discussing how and when to do the treatment, the options of phasing or grouping treatment, and financial arrangements in a way that the patient feels in control.

consultation part 6 – pre-empting problems


Learn the two strategic messages that will help you prevent patients from complaining about hidden costs or feeling pushed into treatment. The ‘No Surprises’ and ‘No Commitment’ strategic messages will help you pre-empt these problems.

consultation part 7 – discussing big problems


When you have more than one treatment solution to discuss, which do you focus on? The big or small problems first? Sequencing this discussion to put the bigger problems first is a counter-intuitive approach that often leads to better acceptance from the patient.

consultation part 8 – second opinions


What do you say when a patient wants to get a second opinion? You may not realize it, but many of the things we say and do cause the patient to want to get another opinion. In this Primer we discuss how to handle this, and also the question ‘What do you recommend?’

consultation part 9 – rehearsal


When a patient says they want the treatment, but need to speak with their spouse, is it genuine or is it polite evasion? In this video learn the Primespeak approach to rehearsing the patient through discussing the decision with somebody else.

Status Exam for Existing patients


How to use fundamental Primespeak communication with Existing Patients to address long-standing problems, or problems that haven’t been addressed before.

Converting an Emergency Patient to a New Patient Exam


Some patients who contact a practice for the first time are serial emergency patients. They only call when they are in pain. This video reviews the three reasons people generally become serial emergency patients and offers strategies to communicate with them successfully and book them back for a New Patient Exam.

Discussing complex cases


What makes a complex case? Is it just the clinical factors? Or are there psychological barriers as well? In this Prime learn how to manage patient’s mindsets to ensure a clear understanding during the explanation of solutions.

Case 7 part 1: pre-clinical discussion



case 7 part 2: exam preparation & clinical exam



case 7 part 3: first part of consultation


The patient thought that the dentist was a ‘sleazy salesman’. How to prevent this type of problem. This part starts of the consultation process. The scenario will continue next month with the second part of the consultation.

Case 7 Part 4: Second Part of Consultation


The patient thought that the dentist was a ‘sleazy salesman’. How to prevent this type of problem. This part focuses on the scratch-pad review and finishes the consultation process.

Case 8 Part 1: Pre-clinical Discussion


How to pre-empt ‘But I’m too old for treatment’ when dealing with an elderly patient. This is the beginning of a new scenario case, and will continue next month with the clinical exam component.

Case 8 Part 2: Clinical Exam and Photo Clickdown


How to pre-empt ‘But I’m too old for treatment’ when dealing with an elderly patient. In this part we will go through the clinical exam and the photo clickdown, and will continue next month with the consultation and scratch-pad review.

Case 8 Part 3: Consultation


But I’m too old for treatment’ when dealing with an elderly patient. This is the third and final part of this scenario. Next month we will start with a new case.

Case 9 Part 1: Pre-clinical Discussion


This scenario handles a patient that is common to any dental practice: he has a specific issue he wants dealt with, but otherwise is quite complacent about his dental health. This is the beginning of a new scenario case, and will continue next month with the clinical exam component.

Case 9 Part 2: Clinical exam and photo clickdown


This scenario handles a patient that is common to any dental practice: he has a specific issue he wants dealt with, but otherwise is quite complacent about his dental health. This case will continue next month with the consultation.

Case 9 Part 3: Consultation


This scenario handles a patient that is common to any dental practice: he has a specific issue he wants dealt with, but otherwise is quite complacent about his dental health.

Case 10 Part 1: Pre-clinical discussion


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice with a very specific cosmetic agenda. This is the beginning of a new scenario case, and will continue next month with the clinical exam component.

Case 10 Part 2: Clinical exam


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice with a very specific cosmetic agenda. This case will continue next month with the first part of the consultation.

Case 10 Part 3: First part of consultation


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice with a very specific cosmetic agenda. This case will continue next month with the second part of the consultation.

Case 10 Part 4: second part of consultation


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice with a very specific cosmetic agenda. This is the final part for this case.

Case 11 Part 1: Pre-clinical discussion


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice to fix a lost implant, but in fact has several missing teeth. This is the beginning of a new scenario case, and will continue next month with the clinical exam component.

Case 11 Part 2: Clinical exam


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice to fix a lost implant, but in fact has several missing teeth. This scenario case will continue next month with the consultation component.

Case 11 Part 3: Consultation


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice to fix a lost implant, but in fact has several missing teeth. This scenario case will continue next month with the remainder of the consultation component.

Case 11 Part 4: second part of consultation


This scenario handles a patient who comes to the practice to fix a lost implant, but in fact has several missing teeth. This part finalises the consultation phase. Next month we will start with a new scenario case.

Case 12 Part 1: Pre-Clinical Discussion


This patient has recently realized they have some problems, yet don’t know the full extent of the conditions. Listen as Dr Sernik helps the patient understand by scattering seeds of information about potential conditions in the pre-clinical discussion. This is the beginning of a new scenario case, and will continue next month with the clinical exam.

Case 12 Part 2: Clinical Exam


This patient has recently realized they have some problems, yet don’t know the full extent of the conditions. Listen as Dr Sernik takes the patient through the Eavesdrop Prep, and then the Eavesdrop Exam.

Case 12 Part 3: Photo Click Down


This patient has recently realized they have some problems, yet don’t know the full extent of the conditions. Listen as Dr Sernik and the patient discuss the patients conditions using photographs and E-zone explanations.

Case 12 Part 4: Scratch Pad Review


This patient has recently realized they have some problems, yet don’t know the full extent of the conditions. Listen as Dr Sernik discusses the patients options for treatment using the Scratch Pad.

Case 13 Part 1: Pre-Clinical Discussion


This patient visited the dentist because his fillings kept falling out, and he was frustrated with his old dentist. Listen as Dr Sernik goes through the past dental history, scatters seeds of information and builds trust with the patient.

Case 13 Part 2: Eavesdrop Exam


This patient visited the dentist because his fillings kept falling out, and he was frustrated with his old dentist. Listen as Dr Sernik goes through the Exam Prep and then does a clinical exam with his assistant. The patient will overhear the conditions as they are discovered.

Case 13 Part 3: Photo Click Down


This patient visited the dentist because his fillings kept falling out, and he was frustrated with his old dentist. Listen as Dr Sernik goes through the Photo Click Down and explains the findings of the exam to the patient.

Case 13 Part 4: Scratch Pad Review


This patient visited the dentist because his fillings kept falling out, and he was frustrated with his old dentist. Listen as Dr Sernik goes through the Scratch Pad Review and clearly describes each option including costs and timings.

Case 14 – Emergency Patient


This is a complete case where the dentist discusses treatment for an infected tooth, where the patient feels no pain. Learn how to revisit past treatment discussions with your patients, with the Primespeak approach.

Case 15 – Money Conscious Patient


In this Scenario, Dr Sernik shows how to use Primespeak to overcome the concerns a patient has about money. Being open about the finances and discussing it early with the patient will remove this landmine.

Case 16 – New Dentist


In the case, Dr Sernik shows how to build trust with a patient who has been at the practice longer than the dentist. Learn how to handle the passing of patients from one dentist to another without losing trust.

Case 17 – Father & Daughter


In this Scenario learn how to shape a patients expectations when dealing with family members. This patient came in for only cosmetic reasons, but had more serious conditions. The dentist moves the patient forward to act on these problems.

Case 18 – The Unaware Patient


This patient came in because his lower teeth were hurting. He wanted the lower tooth extracted. Watch as Dr Sernik role plays through the case and helps the patient understand the repercussions of extracting the tooth.

Case 19 – The Under-Treated Patient


In this case, learn some techniques to help explain chronic conditions to patients. Also learn how to use the Provisional Consultation and Pivotal Conditions to help patients agree to more detailed examinations at a later date.



In this Scenario, Dr Sernik works with a patient to help them understand the problems in their mouth, that have been under-diagnosed for almost 20 years.



In this Scenario, Dr Sernik continues the case with a patient to help them understand the problems in their mouth, that have been under-diagnosed for almost 20 years. In this session he goes through the eavesdrop exam. discovering conditions with the patient.



In this Scenario, Dr Sernik continues the case with a patient to help them understand the problems in their mouth, that have been under-diagnosed for almost 20 years. In this session he goes through the photo click down and discusses conditions he has discovered during the exam.



In this Scenario, Dr Sernik continues the case with a patient to help them understand the problems in their mouth, that have been under-diagnosed for almost 20 years. In this session he goes through the scratch pad review and gives the patient options for treatment, moving them towards a decision.

Hygienist Communication – Using Photos for communication


In this primer you’ll learn how to incorporate using the patient’s photos to have them fully engaged and committed to their hygiene plan.

Hygienist Communication – Engaging The Patient


How do you help a patient to own their periodontal problem? BY engaging them in the discussion and helping them understand the DREC. This primer will show you ways to use Primespeak communication with your hygiene patients to deepen awareness.

Hygienist Communication – Priming the Patient


How do you setup the conversation with a patient, so that they own the problems in their mouth? Learn the Primespeak approach to building trust and ‘priming’ the patient to ensure a smooth hygiene pre-clinical discussion.

How To Trigger a Cosmetic Discussion


What do you do when you see a patient who has potential cosmetic treatment to be done, but you don’t want to offend them? Be sure to use the correct sequence of communication during the pre-clinical and clinical exam to ensure you can discuss cosmetics in a comfortable way.

Increasing Motivation in Cosmetic Cases


How do you know if a patient is motivated or unmotivated? What do you do to help patients express their emotional concerns about their teeth. The Iodize technique will help you to increase a patients ownership of their cosmetic conditions.

The ‘Two Hats’ Technique


How can you explain to a patient what is needed restoratively and cosmetically? By using the ‘two hats’ technique you will be able to clearly explain the patients the need for more than just simple cosmetic improvements, without having a sales agenda.

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