Category Archives: NZDA News Article

Make it Mechanical!

The IPC equivalent of digital dentistry is… manual vs mechanical instrument reprocessing. What is the best direction to take for your reprocessing workflow and sterilisation room? That was then—this is now. The old ‘steri bay’, far from sight of any patients, never to see horrors of used dental instruments. This is no longer the case. […]

Something to smile about… Celebrating Dental Assistants

“Thanks for a great day”—such a simple phrase, such a huge impact. Have you thanked your dental assistant lately? Being acknowledged for a job well done always feels good. Dental assistants are one of the hard working members of the team; able to multitask, organise, anticipate, and remain friendly—even when running late and the prospect […]

Getting the foundations in place

‘Keep it simple’ they say… a common recommendation when it comes to approaching the common question “How do I know we’ve got really good infection prevention and control in our practice”? The real trick to being confidently compliant is managing to simplify what can be a reasonably complex mix of microbiology (infectious cycle), biochemistry (products […]

THINKing in Dentistry

The power of Whole Brain THINKing in the practice, the team and individuals A quality managed approach is key in the world of infection prevention, Practice Standards, regulations, compliance, patients, staff, personalities, technical requirements, clinical skill, appointment scheduling, patient and staff communication … the list could go on and on.  A quality managed approach is […]