Author Archives: Brett Churnin

Why Patients Say the Dreaded Four Words: “I’ll think about it”

Edited and updated on October 15, 2020. Depending on the type of practice you run, you probably see about 15 patients every day. That’s 15 conversations about next steps and potential treatment options; which means 15 opportunities for you (or your front desk coordinator) to hear those four words: “I’ll think about it”. At first, […]

The top 10 Mistakes that dentists make unknowingly

In the past 10 years, I have worked with thousands of dentists across the globe on their practice success. In that time, I have seen many patterns emerge, especially in the way dentists think and behave that damages their success. Here are the top 10 mistakes I’ve seen dentists unknowingly make… 1. Not valuing communication skills […]