Category Archives: Patient Experience

Practice Makes Perfect when Mastering Patient Conversations

Effective communication with patients is a necessity in any successful dental practice. Every interaction counts towards patient satisfaction and loyalty, from handling inquiries over the phone to addressing clinical concerns. However, being a confident communicator doesn’t come naturally to everyone. That’s where the mantra “practice makes perfect” comes into play. As leaders, we must equip […]

Understanding the Lifetime Value of a Patient

As owners and leaders in your business, you know that having longstanding, loyal patients is positive – we all want our patients to come back and see us. While we know returning patients are the ideal, consider whether you’ve truly explored the Lifetime Value of your patients. What’s more, have you explained it to your […]

How to Create Raving Fans in Your Dental Practice

What is the difference between a satisfied customer and a raving fan? A customer is defined as “a recipient of a good service, product or idea”, whereas a “raving fan” is defined by Ken Blanchard himself as “a customer who is so overwhelmed and floored by the customer service they’ve received that they can’t stop […]

Consistency; the Key to Exceptional Patient Experiences

If you asked your team members what the highest priority for the practice is, they would likely say that it’s ensuring your patients have a great experience. We know that patients don’t just want quality dental care; they also want to feel valued and cared for throughout their entire interaction with your practice. How do […]

How to Speak Confidently About the Cost of Dentistry

Does this sound familiar?

“Why is Dentistry so expensive!”
“Can I get a discount on my treatment?”
“Wow, that’s a lot – I guess I’m paying for the Dentists new car huh!”
“My neighbour had a crown from the place down the road, and
it only cost them $800!”